刘兵 教授





2007.9-2011.6    南京农业大学,农学院,本科/学士(金善宝实验班)

2010.9-2016.9    南京农业大学,农学院,作物信息学博士(导师:朱艳、曹卫星教授)

2014.11-2016.6   美国佛罗里达大学,农业和生物工程系(国家公派联合培养)

2016.11-2017.5   美国佛罗里达大学,农业和生物工程系,博士后(合作导师:Senthold Asseng教授)

2017.5-2020.12   南京农业大学,国家信息农业工程技术中心,副教授(高层次人才引进)

2021.1-至今      南京农业大学,国家信息农业工程技术中心,教授



Osman R, Zhu Y, Cao W, Ding Z, Wang M, Liu L, Tang L, Liu B*. Modeling the effects of extreme high-temperature stress at anthesis and grain filling on grain protein in winter wheat. Crop Journal. 2021, 9(4): 889-900.

Liu B, Zhang D, Zhang H, Asseng S, Yin T, Qiu X, Ye Z, Liu L, Tang L, Cao W*, Zhu Y*. Separating the impacts of heat stress events from rising mean temperatures on winter wheat yield of China. Environmental Research Letters. 2021, 16(12): 124035.

Liu B, Martre P, Ewert F, ..., Zhu Y*, Asseng S*. Global wheat production with 1.5 and 2.0 degrees C above pre-industrial warming. Global Change Biology. 2019, 25(4): 1428-1444.

Liu B, Asseng S, Wang A, Wang S, Tang L, Cao W, Zhu Y*, Liu L*. Modelling the effects of post-heading heat stress on biomass growth of winter wheat. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2017, 247: 476-490.

Bing Liu, Senthold Asseng, Christoph Müller, Frank Ewert,Joshua Elliott, David B. Lobell, Pierre Martre, Alex C. Ruane, Daniel Wallach,James W. Jones, Cynthia Rosenzweig, ……, Zhigan Zhao, and Yan Zhu*. Similarnegative impacts of temperature on global wheat yield estimated by threeindependent methods. Nature ClimateChange, 2016, 6, 1130-1138.

Bing Liu, Pierre Martre, Frank Ewert, John R. Porter, Andy J.Challinor, Christoph Müller, Alex C. Ruane, ……, Zhigan Zhao, Yan Zhu*, andSenthold Asseng*. Global wheat production with 1.5 and 2.0°C abovepre-industrial warming. Global ChangeBiology, 2019, 25(4), 1428-1444.

Bing Liu, Leilei Liu, Liying Tian, Weixing Cao, Yan Zhu*,Senthold Asseng. Post-heading heat stress and yield impact in winter wheat ofChina. Global Change Biology, 2014,20(2), 372-381.

Bing Liu, Senthold Asseng, Leilei Liu, Liang Tang, WeixingCao, Yan Zhu*. Testing the responses of four wheat crop models to heat stressat anthesis and grain filling. GlobalChange Biology, 2016, 22(5), 1890-1903.

Chuang Zhao#, BingLiu#, Shilong Piao*, Xuhui Wang, David B. Lobell, Yao Huang, MengtianHuang, Yitong Yao, Simona Bassu, Philippe Ciais, Jean-Louis Durand, JoshuaElliott, Frank Ewert, Ivan A Janssens, Tao Li, Erda Lin, Qiang Liu, PierreMartre, Christoph Müller, Shushi Peng, Josep Peñuelas, Alex C. Ruane, DanielWallach, Tao Wang, Donghai Wu, Zhuo Liu, Yan Zhu, Zaichun Zhu, Senthold Asseng*.Temperature increase reduces global yields of major crops in four independentestimates. 2017, PNAS, 114,9326-9331.

Bing Liu, Leilei Liu, Senthold Asseng, Xiudong Zou, Jun Li,Weixing Cao, Yan Zhu*. Modelling the effects of heat stress on post-headingdurations in wheat: A comparison of temperature response routines. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,2016, 222, 45-58.

Bing Liu, Senthold Asseng, Anning Wang, Shenghao Wang, LiangTang, Weixing Cao, Yan Zhu*, Leilei Liu*. Modelling the effects of post-headingheat stress on biomass growth of winter wheat. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2017, 247, 476-490.


